Mans Unides
Manos Unidas is a Spanish international NGO for development cooperation. Made up of volunteers, it fights to eradicate hunger and poverty in the world.
Manos Unidas carries out different annual awareness-raising campaigns in which they emphasise specific issues and disseminate them through online and offline channels. From the agency we have participated in the 2021 and 2022 campaigns.
Mans Unides
Web design

Campaign 2021
Under the slogan “Spread solidarity to end hunger” and in a post-pandemic scenario, in 2021 Manos Unidas focused on the urgency of seeking together the common good as a guide to build a fairer and more united world. Last year, poverty and inequality were aggravated by COVID-19 and it seeks to call for shared effort and responsibility. Manos Unidas wants to strengthen the collaboration of companies in its project to create a less unequal and fairer world.
The agency participated in the main digital dissemination channel: the creation of the campaign’s landing page. The landing page appeals to all companies that want to collaborate, proposing a unique experience with an international cooperation project that will provide teams with strong values of solidarity.
The landing page has been designed under CRO criteria, taking into account at all times the objective of the campaign: to capture the visitor’s attention.
The structure has been previously worked with the development of wireframes, paying special attention to the information architecture, communicating at all times the value proposition of Manos Unidas through a clear and understandable copywriting and worked CTAs.

Campaign 2022
Manos Unidas’ 2022 campaign has the slogan “Our indifference condemns them to oblivion”. This is a call to awaken anaesthetised consciences so that no one is left behind and to avoid the wall of indifference and inequality that condemns to oblivion more than a billion people who suffer from hunger and poverty in the world.
This year we have sought to innovate in design to build a visual, intuitive, attractive and dynamic landing page.
An audiovisual piece has been created as the entrance to the landing page that reflects the concept of the campaign: the woman’s face becomes small particles that blur until, finally, it fades away and disappears completely.

The aim of this landing page is to attract collaborators who make a one-off donation or who can be associated with the NGO.
We have sought to attract the visitor’s attention through innovation in the composition of the different graphic elements, following a storytelling that connects the concept of the campaign with its purpose.